From VLSI to USLI technology and beyond
You know in human life there is five generation of computer. You may say what is generation of computer? , what is she talking about? Well I’m here to explain it to you and some of the most interesting technologies that the IT technicians planned for the better future. Generation of computer refers to a change in technology a computer was or is being used. Accordingly, there are five.
Our main concern is with the fifth generation of computer for this article. It was an initiative by Japan’s ministry of international trade and industry. It is based on parallel processing hardware and Artificial intelligence software. In this generation, VLSI technology became USLI technology, resulting in the production of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic components on a tiny 1cm by 1 cm Silicone chip.
The fifth generation computing devices , based on artificial intelligence are still in development , though there are some applicants, such as voice recognition , that are being used today.
The main purpose of the fifth generation of computer is developing the use of AI. AI works by combining large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing and intelligent algorithms, allowing the software to learn automatically from pattern or features in the data. AI will provide human like interactions with software and offer decision support for specific tasks, but it’s not a replacement for humans. It is used across industries globally.
I am sure you’ve heard or seen Sofia the humanoid robot, I am not gonna lie she’s pretty and funny. What’s more amazing about her is she’s an AI technology that gives you the ability to increase your knowledge and language through sensors and cameras.

This sensitivity system captures all the information it receives from the outside and replicates human behaviors in the most natural way possible.
In the beginning I have said there are more interesting future technologies. Well here it is. A 6G or sixth generation wireless, have you imagined it will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide sustainability, higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of 6G internet will be to support one microsecond-latency communication. Some say there may be 7G. Hope we have time to see that.