Who really is the person behind these two pyramid schemes?
This is part two and the last of the article series about Breakthrough Trading SC. In the previous piece I wrote, I discussed about Breakthrough Trading S.C and its’ by product Alpha. We still have a lot of questions that need to be addressed. What links Tiens Ethiopia and Breakthrough? What made BreakThrough so unabashedly ‘in-your-face’? Who is the person behind all this?
BreakThrough is run by a former member of Tiens Ethiopia, Netsanet Zenebe Worku. Tiens Ethiopia was a company that was operational in Ethiopia since 2007 that used to sell pharmaceutical products using the same pyramidal business model BreakThrough adopted. At one point it had over 10,000 stores and 20 million distributors. In 2009, the company, mainly based in china, had its’ license revoked by the Food, Medicine & Health Care Administration, for issues relating to its staff’s professional competency and sales techniques. In order to expand their business, they often lied to people saying their products could cure chronic diseases.
Digital footprint is a real thing, it often surprises me how relevant it has become in recent years. There is a video on YouTube in which Mr. Netsanet advertises Tiens products by implying their ability to cure multiple health conditions including diabetes.
He specifically mentions how his mother was cured from diabetes by using the products. That is a very bold claim that begs the question ‘‘why hasn’t he made it global if he is so certain?’’ He could have won the Nobel Prize and received the prize money (close to $1,000,000). As of today, diabetes is incurable and scientists all over the world are still trying to find solutions.
What Tiens and Mr. Netsanet did was exploit people in need with the promise of a cure they will never have. It is a cruel thing, to dangle a little beacon of hope in front of a desperate person and then hide it a moment later.
I heard about Tiens years ago from a close relative who had several complications including heart problems. She was advised to start using Tiens products and abandon her own medications doctors had given her. Scientifically, no amount of vitamin supplements can cure health issues related to the heart. Only God knows what would have happened had she listened. This was all before Tiens’ license was revoked. The amount of people they stepped on to make money is ridiculous. There is a video made by Fana Broadcasting Corporations about Tiens that will be linked in this article.
After Tiens’ fall, Netsanet moved on to create today’s BreakThrough with the experienced he gained from Tiens. Tiens’ official product was a pharmaceutical supplement and it was subjected to test by the government and regulate the products.
BreakThrough’s product (psychological training) is intangible and it is impractical for a government body to step in. That is an ideal condition for scammers. Another thing Netsanet did was modernize the company’s marketing by creating an official website for the business. BreakThrough is in short the child of Netsanet and Tiens, Tiens being its distant father.
So far, BreakThrough has been operating openly throughout Addis and I’m yet to see a government body step in and do something about it. According to an Addis Fortune issue published in November 10, 2013, pyramid schemes have been illegal since 2010. I hope this article will be a wake up call to authorities to take a look at the business model followed by BreakThrough, Fias777, workxon, HDU, and many other similar schemes even yet to be launched and take proper actions.
Links And Resources
A video of Netsanet promoting tiens products back when he was working there.
The investigative reporting done on Fana Broadcasting corporate:
Articles published by AddisFortune:
All Foreign Network Marketing Companies Shut Down (addisfortune.net)
Ministry Revokes Tiens Licence (addisfortune.net)
ሙባረክ እጅህ ይባረክ የውስጤን ነው የተናገርክልኝ። ከዚህ በፊት ወደ ዚህ ድርጅት እንድቀላቀል አንድ ጓደኛየ ነገረኝ ከዛ ስለ ድርጅቱ search ሳደርግ pyramid scheme መሆኑን አወቅኩ። ግን ይህ ነፃነት እሚባለውን ከዚህ በፊት tiens ላይ አውቀው እንደነበር ለጓደኛየ ነገርኩት። እሱም ተናደደ ውሸት ነው ገንዘብ እኮ ይከፍላሉ ምናምን አለኝ በዛ ተለያየን ከዛ በኋላ ላገኘሁት ሰው በሙሉ ብናገር እሚሰማኝ አልነበረም።
Mustefa Hassen, ለአስተያየትዎ እናመሰግናለን። ሁሌም እንደነዚህ አይነት ጠቃሚ መረጃዎችን ለናንተ ተከታታዬቻችን አደርሳለሁ። እርሶም ይህንን ድረ-ገፅ ለሌሎች በማጋራት እንዲሁም subscribe በማረግ አባላችን ይሁኑ።