#NoMore is empowering Africans as stakeholders in their countries for the first time since pre-colonial era.

#NoMore the digital revolution that Africa is behind
Unless you are living under a rock you have heard of #NoMore not just in Ethiopia but pretty much all over the world. How did that happen ? Why ? And what has it accomplished ?I joined Twitter in 2010 tried it out and could be er get past 230 followers and even if I could I didn’t see the point in having followers it’s not like it pays you, other than anecdotal icebreaking having a large number of followers doesn’t actually do anything for you so I linked my Facebook and Twitter and let it do it’s thing in 2016 I returned to Twitter because of my position in a radio station and attempted to get more international listeners via our online stream with mediocre success it’s how I go cool radio jingles made by celebrities listen to the one below.
But being that majority of my followers and those I follow were Ethiopian the Ethnic tit for tat tweets made me sick and I stopped visiting Twitter unless to verify tech news stories for my YouTube channel, the the casual glance every once in a while to see if there is anything new.
I have loved Ethiopia ever since I was old enough and traveled enough to identify that something about the “Land of Origins” or the land of “13 months of sunshine” (depending on which age demographic you are from) that made it special so I decided to make my life here and haven’t left ever since, I have also studied as a hobby world history, geopolitics, and Western world domination and exploitation as a hobby and often found myself supporting what I knew but the vast majority didn’t know was the victim; Like Palestine, Zimbabwe, Libya, Pan-Africanism, and Russia over the USA. My race and religion have never affected my overview and I will never let it start.

With this as a pretext imagine my feelings when I saw the pattern of pre-invasion American posturing directed at my home, I was beside myself I was pissed off I was out for blood (metaphorically ofcourse) knowing what I know interms of world politics I know that the majority of a war is fought in the mind, media and global opinion. False narrative propagation by media is nothing new and it’s almost always negative when it’s about Africa. I mustered up the courage to return to Twitter when I heard about the #NoMore movement only to find that it wasn’t confinned to Ethiopia it’s gone global and it has unified the Africans and Africa lovers from every imaginable corner of the world.
To give you a simple summarization #NoMore is a global campaign against injustice, double standards, it’s pro unity it’s pro Pan-Africanism and has brought Africa the closest it’s ever been to becoming “The United States of Africa” a concept that is very dangerous out here on the plains of Africa and has gotten so many visionary African leaders assassinated by the west from Thomas Sankara to Patrice Lumumba from Muammur Ghadaffi to Gamal Abdel Nasser and countless others. The reason it’s so dangerous is because a continent this large in terms of population and sheer landmass can be the driver of its own destiny.
Why would it be dangerous for people to choose and control their own destiny ? I hear you say, I mean Africa was decolonized years ago; Africa was never decolonized at all infact something far worse happened Colonization 2.0
Europe, The UK and the USA are where imperialism comes from and when you see the life style and abundance they are blessed with you should know that they have it because Africa doesn’t. They like it that way almost all African governments are puppet government that are brought to power by partnering with clandestine US shadow organizations that fund their war of “liberation” they inturn agree to always do what uncle Sam says and get to keep some of the pie for themselves a great arangment but with one major problem the people of the continent starve, get killed for speaking out about these organization and maybe die in the Mediterranean when their makeshift vesstles capsize trying to escape the political repression and poverty in Europe only to be met with the “We don’t want you dirty African refugees here on the shores” well my dear Europes maybe if you can get your governments to stop supporting terrorist elements in our countries and stop stealing our wealth we wouldn’t come to your crispy county, no African has ever left Africa because they love someone else’s country or food.
To the surprised of many #NoMore has gotten Eritreans supporting Ethiopians and Somalis, Somalis supporting Ethiopia and Sudan Uganda and Kenya joining in and run of the mill citizens including Americans, New Zealanders, Australians, Belgians, Chinese state officials and the list goes on.
They are all joining in the fight against neocolonialism and I’m so excited will you join us here is etHub for more information see you on Twitter.
Get #NoMore Hoodies and T-shirts 50% of Profits Going to rebuilding Schools
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