This isn’t new at all, famine happened twice in Ethiopia yet we get South Park characters called Starvin Marvin.

Misinformation about Ethiopia, and the use of technology to achieve it.
I have always said that technology is a double sided sword, the internet is the marvelous tool that gives you the access to almost anything you could need to know. It’s also a place where pedophiles and scam artists thrive, so it’s hard to say it’s all good or all bad. now its “Technology: Misinformation about Ethiopia.”
In the past 4 years the western powers at play, The United States of America (the divided states of zombie land) have meddled in Ethiopian affairs shamelessly and in a very obviously false way. There is nothing new here the United States is responsible for replacing governments around the world by spreading lies causing division or using their CIA to bring about regime change. And the imperialists have score to settle with Ethiopia, revenge for not surrendering to colonization. Ethiopia will always have a special place in their hearts as “the one who got away.”

This is how it works in a nutshell, A leader and government that is willing to sell out his/her country is needed to look the other way while America loots it or uses it for some geopolitical purpose. Any leader that doesn’t want to “tow the line” (Muammur Ghadaffi, Thomas Sankara, Robert Mugabe) is assassinated; fortunately the CIA aren’t as efficient as their propaganda machine (Hollywood) produced shows would have you believe they have failed over 90 times to assassinate Fidel Castro.

According to the book The confessions of an Economic Hitman if the assassination fails the next step is to economically destroy the country which in turn will cause an uprising that then America will choose a side to become the victor (if they agree to what I mentioned above) it’s when this fails that American goes to the last step invade and destroy, however it should be noted that when I say “America” I’m referring to the kleptocratic government of Zionists and not the people of America who are amongst the kindest people you would meet (not including this one redneck i met who was your stereotypical white supremacist racist but thats my bad he was in love with trump and i should have known better, sadly i was the “Shimagle” to his engagement). the kind hearted non racist Americans they aren’t going to invade a country that they see as innocent.

Lights, Camera, Action.
This is where the magic happens, it’s a little known fact that the ISIS beheading videos were mostly shot in film studios well the cat is out of the bag now google it. At this point the fake media namely CNN, BBC, CNBC, France 24 collectively known as “Imperialism Media House” begin spinning the lies to make the people think that invading would help the poor people that are being oppressed.
As if America is hopefully moral country as if their white cops don’t shoot people of color who are Americans too just think how they would treat non Americans. Well thanks to WikiLeaks we know how America conducts it’s self watch “Collateral Murder” the video where an Apache helicopter kills Journalists (reporting what they didn’t want reported) ; the point is they spin this lie so the American army doesn’t object to going as often they need an unlimited supply of soldiers in wars like Vietnam where the American population was against the war they lost, so to avoid this they ensure everyone believes in the war how is this done…. Technology.
Doctored images.
The media outlets use fake images or images from other locations and say it’s a certain place, or they can use Photoshop or other software suits designed for image manipulation, it’s good to use “Google Reverse Image Search” if the image is similar to any results with the exception of things that aren’t in the others like bodies it’s safe to assume that those bodies were digitally added.
Deepfakes technology is a sort of AI it can generate images of anything even generate video and audio matching the speech patterns of the intended person. Or it can make a totally fake person like the one below.

Deepfakes are synthetic media[2] in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else’s likeness. While the act of faking content is not new, deepfakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence to manipulate or generate visual and audio content with a high potential to deceive.The main machine learning methods used to create deepfakes are based on deep learning and involve training generative neural network architectures, such as autoencoders[3] or generative adversarial networks (GANs)
Arabia, East Asia, and others.
Indians, Arabs, Persians, & Turks are just a few examples of peoples that gave the imperialist British a hard time to colonize so a different strategy was needed.
As a footnote I want all Ethiopians to pay close attention to this Arabs are different tribes but are one Ethnic group who speak one language and have majority one religion(look at old maps), but the British used tribal lines and created micro states like Jordan and broke Palestine away from Sham(Syria) and created multiple countries, the same is true with India and Pakistan. Why ? United we stand divided we fall micro-nations can not withstand an invasion by a superpower.
So colonial force didn’t work on Ethiopia right ? Next step ? Dismantle and attack individually. So are we going to let Facebook censor us or Twitter or any other fake media outlet to turn east Africa into the middle east ? No we are not we have the internet too and we will use it to spread the truth share this article break the internet ETHIOPIA WILL PREVAIL UNITED FOREVER 🇪🇹
Well said man!! if we are united , nothing will stop us.They want us to be divided and fight each other.i am very hopeful we will stay together and make our nation great again.
Thanks bro I believe we can take them all I am with you
what great article man. Big ups bro