Email accounts are used to access every other online account. They are a trove of sensitive personal information purchases, health history, travel destinations, relationships, and more. Helm brings privacy back to the email and your online life by bringing it under control at home. Privacy and security were finally made simple. With Helm, you retain full control over who can access your data.

Helm is a personal, private email server that won’t share your data. If you’re looking to kick Google or Microsoft to the curb and claw back control of your email and own your data. Our personal information, stored by corporations like Google and Yahoo, seems more vulnerable than ever to hacks and leaks.
Your Data Protecting
Our personal information, stored by corporations like Google and Yahoo, seems more vulnerable than ever to hacks and leaks. For $499, the Helm Personal Server is a service and device that gives you a private email and stores it securely, along with files, contacts, and calendars.

Helm is a personal server that lives where you do. Powered by the open-source project Nextcloud, Helm Files makes it easy to share, sync, and backup files and photos across all your devices. Additionally, your information is encrypted and backed up offsite, and accessible with encryption keys only you have.

With Helm, you’ll be free from surveillance, corporate oversight, or finding yourself caught in the next massive data breach. Installing Helm is a seamless process. Your server comes ready to use right out of the box, and it takes just five minutes to set up. Easily move your data out of the cloud to your Helm, gaining both privacy and independence.

Protect your data as far as possible. Because data is the new oil and no great assets are left secure easily.
That is a very helpful and useful information keep it up!